Job completed for East River Energy

Location: Guilford, CT
Completion date: August 30, 2020

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Why did the customer contact us?

East river energy needed to have the rear of their yard fenced off to meet regulations for their facility, and to prevent people from breaking into their facility.

Solutions Provided:

Joe had met with them to discuss the options, the fence needed to be 6’ tall and the customer had wanted to add barbed wire to the top. Joe explained that in Guilford barbed wire is not legal, so he proposed installing the barbed wire holders at the top of the posts to give it the appearance of barbed wire without breaking the town's rules. Fences was installed in 2 days and they haven’t had any break in issues since.

Do you need a Reliable Fence CT Solution?

our service area

We serve the following areas

  • Ansonia
  • Bethany
  • Branford
  • Bridgeport
  • Fairfield
  • Guilford
  • Madison
  • North Branford
  • Northford
  • Shelton
Our Locations:

Reliable Fence CT
1072 Boston Post Rd
West Haven, CT 06516